Since I am diving deep into video games and their history with the assigned reading, I have decided to take a little trip down memory lane myself and play some vintage games. Now I don't actually have an Atari to play Pong or other Atari games so I just broke out my copy of Atari Anthology on the XBox. Yes. The O.G. console. The original XBox One. I don't have gameplay footage to show you, because I don't have a capture card but I can safely say that my experience playing Pong was probably pretty close to this. For the time it was absolutely revolutionary and I have nothing but respect for Pong. But thank god video games have advanced far past this. This is barely even a game. It is so basic and boring that it puts the B in both terms. The biggest victory is when you get to stop playing. I didn't stop with Pong though. I mean how could I? I had to experience what the rest of the Atari had to offer. So I played a couple more classics like Centipede, Missi...